We Want Options and Answers COVID Safety Campaign
-Won Development of School District 189 Covid 19 Safety Task Force
-Gathered parents and bus drivers for forum development
-Partnered with school district for a transportation oversight committee
-Negotiated the school to re-evaluated their liability form
Wear Orange
Establishing Wear Orange day in E St Louis as an official day first Friday of every June - Mayoral Proclamation acknowledging Wear Orange Day
Parents and Guardians United, District 189
Established Parents and Guardians United, a group of parents, guardians, bus drivers, clergy, practitioners who collaborated to conduct research meetings, public actions, a series of meetings with the Superintendent of Schools, Chief of Staff and other District 189 Administrative staff, East Side Health District, Illinois Central Bus Company advocating for virtual options for students following a series of COVID outbreaks. Advocated for Transportation safety for students and parents, advocated for streamlined disciplinary actions and protocols around student, staff and bus driver safety. Developed a COVID and Public Safety Task Force.